Thursday, February 16, 2012


Decisions. Not everyone's favourite thing to do, but someone's gotta do it and its better you than someone else. But how do you know whether its the right or wrong decision?

I think, there isn't any. There's no right and wrong decision. Just easy and hard ones. Both will yield results some better than the other but none wrong. Sure I've made a tonne of decisions I thought was wrong, but if they really were wrong, I don't think I'll be the person I am today. We learn from the decisions we make. There's been times I thought, Oh hell no, I made the wrong choice! And then I realise that the only time I felt this way was when things got rough. Ask me about it today and I'd be able to tell you with a clearer head that I made the perfect decision when I was put in the situation. It made me happy and then somehow things took a turn for the worse and I became miserable. So how can it be a wrong decision if it made me happy? 

Easy decisions somehow make you happy first and then sad. Harder decisions that make you think and think and then force you to make sacrifices somehow make you sad at first but the happiness that comes after lasts a whole lot longer. But see, people being people like doing things in the spur of the moment. We want to be happy. I mean, who doesn't? And that's why we're quick to decide. Its not wrong, but I've come to realise that if we stepped back, thought a bit and then decided, it'll be far better in the long run. Sure it'll be difficult in the beginning. You'll probably be kicking yourself a few times for making the decision. But if you're patient to wait a bit, you'll see that you'll find happiness somehow growing gradually. And it'll keep growing as long as you let it. As long as you think about the long run instead of the temporary happiness it'll bring you now. 

Anyway, as some of you might have guessed, the reason behind this post is that I made a decision too. I made an easy decision recently without thinking thoroughly and I was on top of the world. I was all, I'll cross the bridge when I get to it. Suddenly I'm now rock bottom and I don't know how to cross the freaking bridge. So I made a decision that was extremely difficult. And really, all I'm trying to do now is to convince myself that everything will be okay. I have faith that it will be. I have faith and "farlings" that care so deeply about me that I know for a fact this time my decision will bear better fruit, so to speak. 

Coming back to the topic at hand, decisions however difficult it may be is never right or wrong. They just give different results and we learn from these. Only when we stop learning from our experiences have we made the wrong decision. I've learnt from mine. Painfully no doubt, but I have learnt it well. 

So I'll tell you honestly. Right now, even though I feel like I've messed up big time, in time I'll see that these feelings won't compare to the happiness I'll feel then. 

1 comment:

  1. True that! At least you had the guts to decide what was best for the situation and stuck by it. No worries, it'll all be good in the end. I've got ur back no matter what!

    ur farling
