There’s a saying, “If you love someone, let them go, if they love you, they’ll come back”. I found this VERY disturbing. How long exactly are we supposed to wait? Is there a benchmark of some sort? Is there a maximum time limit? What if you end up waiting your whole life only to find out they’re not coming back? Or what if you wait too short a time and they do return, only to find you in the arms of someone else?
So the question here is, do we wait? And if so, HOW LONG?!
Usually, and I mean usually, I would just opt to not wait. I mean, why wait for someone who decided to leave you at a time you maybe needed them most? If they could actually do that, then they’re not at all worth waiting for. There’s a billion other people out there all waiting for someone to show up in their lives. Why not be their someone? Why wait for the one who, at the moment, isn’t entirely sure whether or not they want to be with you. Or maybe who at the moment has other more important things to worry about? I sometimes think its stupid for a person to want to wait for someone. Its almost like saying, you’re waiting for a dearly departed to return from their eternal slumber. Let’s say you do wait, and wait and wait and wait. And then what? Wait some more? While the other is free to go out and venture on other things? Other persons maybe? You’ll only be forcing yourself to a life of sleepless, tear-filled nights and endless torment. Hoping and praying for the day they ‘come back’. There is of course the alternative outcome, and that is, that this person actually does come back for you. Then you’ll both spend the rest of lives together, knowing you’ve conquered the worst possible test a couple could ever encounter. And that my friends, is true love.
Then again, what if you’re at a situation where you REALLY, HONESTLY love this person, and you KNOW for a fact that this person loves you too? And that the only reason they’re ‘leaving’ is because they’ve been forced to due to undesirable circumstances? Then what? Do you wait for each other? For that moment where you both run drunkardly into each other’s arms and pick up where you left off? I mean, what if here you decide to not wait? What if while they were gone, you started to fall for another person? Someone who this time really wants to be with you and has no intentions of leaving you like your previous other? And then only to suddenly hear a soft knocking on your door followed by a visual of the eyes you once fell in love with. Past memories and emotions suddenly fill your mind and heart. But wait, what about the one waiting for you inside? Do you go back to that one? Or do you leave with this one and reignite that old fire that has been reduced to a mere waning flame? Either way you choose, you’re going to definitely feel guilty.
So back to my original question. If the situation ever arises, heaven forbid, do we wait or not? In my opinion, its totally up to you. Ha ha I know, but don’t move just yet. =D I think, you should totally wait if you’re absolutely, a hundred per cent sure that this person is going to come back for you in the NEAR future (near being 5 – 6 months tops). Life is short. Don’t waste it by playing this ‘waiting game’. It’s better spent on yourself. If you think this person’s not sure about getting back to you, move on! Go find someone else. Odds are, you will. And if the previous comes back looking for you, explain your situation and wish them well on their way. I’m not saying its going to be easy but hey, you gotta do what you gotta do, right?
Life is all about making choices. And it doesn’t matter if it’s the right or wrong choice. Really. It doesn’t. What matters most is what you make of it. Do what you want and only what you want. And then take full responsibility of the outcomes. And so, I leave you with this quote by a famous blogger, Paulo Coelho, “Waiting is painful. Forgetting is painful. But not knowing which to do is the worse kind of suffering”.
So wait or forget? I know what I’m going to do. What about you? =D